Dear Members
Some update for November and into the new Olympic year...
Extraordinary General Meeting - Thursday 1st December, 8:45pm
A reminder that an EGM for a vote regarding how the club board is to be structured in the future will be held. If you are unable to attend, you can send a proxy or vote by post or email. Contact me for details if you did not receive the notice.
Club Christmas Party - Saturday 3rd December: 7pm until late
If you go to one Christmas party this year, might as well do it in style and make it this one. It is always good fun, sometimes a drink or two might be consumed to get in the Christmas spirit. There will be music, dancing, good food and winter warmth on offer (if we get the gas fire fixed in time!). Tickets are just £10, which includes your food and a glass of Wulled Mine. As ever, it's volunteers who bring you these events, so Rob is looking for some contributors to help with the catering. If anyone is willing to bring a dish of christmas delight then have a chat with him after at the club or email him The costs of ingredients will be reimbursed.
Middlesex Cross Country Race (Wormwood Scrubs park) - Saturday 7th January 2012
Juniors from 11am. Senior Women 8k 1pm, Senior Men 12k 1:45pm I have received the entry forms for the above. There are elgibility criteria for Middx races, based upon birth, residence or previous competition. Most club members are eligible to enter but some who live outside the catchment may not be, contact me if you are unsure. If you would like to race in this county-standard race please let me know, preferably via email with your name, DOB and Address. As usual, the club will pay your entry fees (£3 per runner)
providing you turn up and your annual subscriptions are paid. Deadline: 18th December.
National Cross Country Championships - Parliament Hill - Saturday 25th February 2012
Junior race from 11am (3k - 10k), Senior Women (8k) 2:20pm, Senior Men (12k) 3pm. The 'big one' at Parliament Hll. It will be hilly, it will be muddy and there will be some great competition going on. Entrants must be first claim members for the club if you wish to enter. If you'd like to enter, contact me with your name and DOB. As usual, the club will pay your entry fees (£6 per runner) providing you turn up and you are up to date with your annual subscriptions. Deadline: 23rd December.
Subscriptions now due
The subscription year runs from November. If you've not yet paid, please make arrangements to do so. The fees are unchanged yet again for the year 2011-12, full details are on the Join section of the club website. You don't need to fill out a form if you are already a member. Bank transfers are preferred - please put your name as a reference, otherwise please hand cheques or cash to me or any of the other directors / coaches at the club.
Recent Road & XC Race Results:
October handicap results are on the website noticeboard and also available at this link:
North London XC Association - race results are available here:
Chingford League
The results are collated and hosted by Bob Jousiffe from Orion Harriers who works very hard to get the results published in good time. All the details are here:
Wrap up warm and enjoy those Autumn runs, folks.
Men's Road & XC Running Captain
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