Dear Members of VPH & TH AC,
Following the club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in October two votes were held on a proposed change to a rule regarding the structure of the club's board. Both votes were hung at 19 for, 19 against. As a result, and in order to resolve the matter, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was proposed along with some remote voting mechanisms to give more members the chance to vote or for those who had already expressed their preference at the AGM the chance to vote without attending the EGM.
A full EGM notice with details regarding the proposed change to the rule, agenda, details regarding the change to the board structure voting details and the voting form is available here. The minutes from the AGM are available here. If you have trouble reading either document or would prefer a hard copy please contact me ( and I will make arrangement for you. Hard copies of the notice will be posted at Mile End track and at the club house. Copies of the minutes will be made available at the club house.
The EGM will be held on Thursday 1st December, 2011, 8:45PM in the Club house, St Augustine's Hall, Cadogan Terrage, London E9.
About voting in the EGM:
- The vote will be held on the night of the EGM, alternatives to voting in person on the night are detailed below.
- If you intend to send a representative to vote on your behalf (a proxy) at the EGM please make sure you comply with the requirements detailed on page one of the EGM notice attachment.
- If you wish to email your vote, please send an email detailing your choice to the address created specifically for this purpose stating whether you are FOR or AGAINST the motion. Your vote will be treated in strict confidence. The deadline is Midnight, Tuesday 29th November.
- If you wish to post your vote please print and complete the voting form and send to the address detailed on the form. The deadline for receipt is Tuesday 29th November. Your vote will be treated in strict confidence.
- The usual voting rules apply, e.g. you must be a registed first claim or associate member, over 18 years of age. Your membership fees for the year must be paid (unless you have an exemption, such as a life member for example). You can only vote once (if you vote by email or post you can not vote again on the night of the EGM or via a proxy)
- Please remember, even if you voted at the AGM on this matter you will need to vote once again using one of the above methods to ensure your voice is heard and your vote counts.
Remember, if you have concerns or questions you can contact me directly at or contact the current board as a whole at .
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. We look forward to your vote in deciding how the club is managed in the future.
Simeon (Men's Captain, Road & XC Running)
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