Hello all, chilly October greetings as the nights draw in and the leaves fall, welcome to the latest newsletter
AGM - This Thursday 20th October, 8:30pm - Club House, Cadogan Terrace
We look forward to welcoming you all at the forthcoming AGM, this Thursday in the Clubhouse, startng at 8:30PM. The agenda, minutes and accounts are available here and the Directors' annual report is available to read on line. Limited hard copies will be available on the night if need. Please let me know in advance if you specifically want a hard copy or large print copy and I will make sure one is produced.
October 2.9 mile Monthly Handicap – Thursday October 27th, 2011. 7pm
Next Thursday the monthly handicap will take place as usual.Previous results are available here.
Virgin London Marathon 2012 – Club Allocated Places – Ballot Thursday 27th October 2011 8:45pm
Once again the club has been allocated 4 places at next year’s race. The ballot for the places will be held in the club bar after the handicap on Thursday 27th October (around 8:45pm). Please let me or any of the other director’s know by Wednesday 26th if you would like to be entered for the ballot. Remember, you will need to be eligible for entry in to the ballot, check the eligibility criteria here and remember you will need your rejection letter as proof:http://www.vphthac.org.uk/marathon.html
North London Cross Country Associaton, Kingsbury, Saturday 29th October 2011 (2pm, 2:45pm)
The above XC race is taking place please let me kow ASAP if you would like me to enter you for this race. Send me your name and DOB by email to vphthac-owner@googlegroups.com
Club House Autumn Working Party - Sunday 6th November
It's Autumn, the leaves are falling thick and fast so we are planning a leaf-based working party on the above date. If you are part of the club and benefit from the use of the club house, the bar, the coaching sessions, the races etc. now is your chance to give a little bit back if you have yet to do so this year. We may well stuck like a stuck record (remember those?) but the place really does rely on everyone doing a little bit. If you've not got involved yet this year come along and do your bit, even for a few hours.
That's it for now. Hope to see some of you at the AGM or the winter races.
Men's Road & XC Captain
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