Bonus newsletter this month, you lucky people...
This Weekend 23rd/24th November - 12-4 Sat / 11-1 Sun - Spare an hour or two?
As part of our plan to get better use of the clubhouse for members and the community, we've had interest from local Yoga and Pilates groups who wish to use the old gym space for classes. In preparation for this Dave Robinson, who has led this work, is hosting some working parties this weekend. Please see his post on the noticeboard for more details. If you could spare a few hours it would certainly be appreciated.
Improved Gym and More Sessions at the Club
Regular users of the club house will notice the dramatic changes to the gym space at the club house. We're really excited about these developments and hope members will get involved and make even better use. Please have a read about it here. In addition to the already highly regarded and popular Monday night session with Tony Bunbury, Victor has designed some programmes to make better use of the new gym. Please check out Victor's website here: . For gym users at Mile End you have not been neglected, look out for announcement in the next newsletter!
Thursday November 28th - Club Marathon Places Ballot - 9pm Clubhouse
Each year the club is awarded guaranteed places to the Virgin London Marathon. I'm pleased to announce 2014 is no different, three places have been allocated (it used to be four). As previous years, we'll hold a ballot for the places. Please read the requirements first to ensure you qualify for the ballot and come to the bar by 9pm for the ballot. Contact me in advance if you cannot make it on the night. Remember, this is also a handicap night, the ballot won't start until that is complete.
Saturday 30th November - Club 5 mile XC - Woodford Gold Course 10:30am start
Race #3 in the club's Winter Championships, the annual trip to Woodford Golf Course, a pretty 2* 2.5 mile course. It's free to enter, just turn up on the day. Club members and their guests may run. Always a great event, for runners and spectators alike. I'm still look for assistance from members to put this event on, specifically:- course marking/clearing (before and after)
- photography (before, during, after)
Thanks to those who have already offered to help with the timekeeping. Others please get in touch. More details nearer the time on the noticeboard and Facebook.
Running Safely in the Winter
As a club, we take the safety of our members seriously. Remember on the dark winter nights, the officials and sessions leaders can't be in all places at all times and so all members have a duty to look out for one another as well. Please see this post from Chairman David Robinson, see the notes posted up at the clubhouse and listen carefully to the announcement at the start of the Thursday clubhouse session.
Director of Women's Road & XC Running - Vacancy on the board
A vacancy on the board is available as Tori has stepped down. The board would love to hear from any women in the club who would like to step up to take responsibility for, represent and generally encourage new and existing female members of the club on the road and xc side. If you'd like to get involved without being a director we'd still love to hear from you. 2013 has been a great year for the women with some notable successes - want to be part of that in 2014? Please contact me or any of the other board members for a chat.
Another reminder, 1st November is the start of our new membership year. For those who pay annually, your fees are now due via bank transfer. For those who pay monthly, there is no change to the fees this year so you needn't do anything. Please check Neil's post on the noticeboard for more details. Thanks to all of those who have already paid and to those who pay monthly - your valuable funds keep the lights on and the showers [mostly] warm.
Don't forget - Christmas Party is on Saturday 21st December. And a reminder to Click here to see the winter fixtures card
Look out for the December newsletter, coming soon, maybe even in December!
Road & XC Captain
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