Hello all,
It's still warm and the holiday has a few hours left to roll. Take a few minutes to think about what's coming up in the next few weeks as we prepare for Autumn.
This Thursday 1st September - Assembly League Race #6 - Beckenham - 7:15pm
The final race of the season in Beckenham. Our men's team have, I reckon, a chance to take first place this season (thanks to heroic efforts by our fast men this year). The men's A team are currently in second place behind Kent AC but there is a chance of beating them with a strong turnout. Men's B are comfortably in 2nd, whilst both Women's A and B teams are in third place. The last race is always a great finale on a measured three mile course, with the chance to enjoy a beer afterwards. Keep an eye on the noticeboard and the AssemblyLeague Facebook page for more details of the fixture and location if you've not been before.
Sunday 4th September - Middlesex Championships 10km Race - Victoria Park - 10:30am start
RUNNERS: Last chance to enter is TODAY (Monday) - all of the details are on the club noticeboard.
HELPERS: We also need plenty of helpers to ensure the race runs smoothly. I need folk to help out on the course, at the finish area, with baggage in the hall. Please get in touch over the coming days if you can please - I look forward to hearing from lots of volunteers! Additionally there is catering help already requested by Susan and Malachy on the Facebook page. Want to help out but can't come on the day - how about baking a cake for the stall in the hall?
Thursday 8th September - Club Championships Race #1 - The Flowers Mile - Register by 7pm, race at 7:15pm
Pleased to announce we have now set a date for this iconic and historic club race, where club track, road and junior athletes can all compete together. All the details are on the noticeboard. Previous results can be found at http://tinyurl.com/VPHMile. It is not an open race but paid-up members may invite a guest to run as well (although guests cannot take prizes). We will need plenty of volunteers to help with the event, especially time keeping and results recording - PLEASE GET IN TOUCH.
Sunday 25th September - HemiHelp Fun Run 10k and 3k fun run - Victoria Park - 11am
The club helps out this great local charity once again, with their annual event. There's still time to enter here. Find out more about HemiHelp here and the work they do for children and young people with hemiplegia, a kind of paralysis. Come and run or help out on the day if you can, please. More details on the noticeboard and Facebook in the coming weeks.
Tuesday 4th October - Chingford League Race #1 - Hog Hill Cycle circuit
The local league kicks off with two fixtures at Redbridge cycle circuit. Women starts at 7:30pm, Men start at 8pm. More details to follow.
Saturday 15th October - Metropolitan League Race #1 - Claybury Woods - 2:30pm
The Metropolitan Cross-Country League kicks off once again. The fixtures have been finalised and as usual all of the details are available on the Met League website. This is the best cross-country league in London and both our men's and women's team compete in its top tier. It will be our primary focus for cross country this season and members are asked to prioritise these fixtures.
Thursday 20th October - Club AGM - Provisional Date
Please keep the above in date in mind, for the club AGM. Date and details to be confirmed.
It is with sadness we must report the passing of club athlete and record-holding sprinter Hamim Lubega, who succumbed to his battle with lung cancer on 25th August. He was an active member of the club's track team and competed for a number of years for the club around the country. The clubs thoughts are with Hamim's family and friends at this time, may he rest in peace. I found a nice tribute to Hamim on this blogpost.
That's it for now
Men's Road & XC Captain
Find out what your clubmates are up to on the Club Facebook page
Get the latest news and updates, follow @VPHTHAC on Twitter
Get news, updates and race results on the club noticeboard - handicap results are here: tinyurl.com/HandicapResults