Firstly, warm greetings to all of the new members who who have joined up or renewed over the summer, the membership continues to grow. And you've joined in time for an exciting Autumn and Winter season of races and events. Welcome to the club that never stops....
Metropolitan League - Second Claim Members - ACTION REQUIRED
Once again we will compete in the prestigious Metropolitan Cross Country League. Second claim members may run for the club if their first claim club is not also competing in the league. However, these members must register before the start of the season. Please get in touch with me by 28th September, it's very simple. First claim members - you do not need to do anything. More details about the league and the fixtures are here:
Chingford League - First Fixture Tuesday 4th October - Hogg Hill 7:30pm/8pm
For those who are new to the club, this is the other cross country league we compete in (although there are three tarmac fixtures). All of the details for this fixture and the other days are on the noticeboard - just follow this link. Once again we welcome Joyce Berry as the league captain for this season, so look out for more messages and updates from Joyce over the course of the season. Can't wait.
Thursday 20th October - Club AGM - 8:30pm
A separate notice, agenda and call for motions will be circulated shortly but just a reminder to keep this date in your diary.
Thursday 27th October - Club Handicap followed by Club Bake Off
Look out for an announcement with more details soon but get the date in your diary for the next Club Bake Off, planned to be held after the monthly handicap. This will be (I think) our fourth Bake Off, and once again there will be a small charity collection - last year £200 was raised for Medecins sans Frontieres. I have started to reduce my own cake intake in preparation.....
2016-17 Fixtures
Did I read that correctly? 2017? Where is the decade going? Stave off the effects of ageing by running lots over the winter season. To help you, I've put together the Autumn Winter fixtures list - take a look here:
Most Improved Athlete 2016 (Road and ross Country)- nominations now open!
This award is given at the AGM - please see details on the noticeboard about nominating your club mates for this coveted trophy.
Bar Help Required
Those of you who've come to the club on a Thursday night may have visited our wonderful bar and sampled some good food. The bar is managed, run, stocked, and cleaned by a small army of volunteers. If everyone helps out once or twice a year, things run smoothly. However, there are currently a few holes in the schedule so please put your name down on the rota in the bar or contact Susan or Malachy to put your name forward.
Subscriptions Reminder
The club's subscription year starts in November so if you pay your subs annually have a think about getting prepared. If you pay monthly by standing order there is nothing to worry about. If you have queries about your membership status, please get in touch:
And finally....
Some of you may have heard of the sad news concerning Nana Quawson, who died at the end of July following a brain haemorrhage. Nana was a former club member and board member and much respected community nurse. She was particularly active down at Mile End stadium, often helping out officiating and with junior and senior athletes. This is the third recent death of a club member, and the club has put up its own messages of condolence which can be reached by following the links on the front of the club website: (thanks to Joe Feltham)
That's it until the next newsletter in early October
Men's Road & XC Captain