Hello all
Further to last week's message, please see confirmation of the club's Annual General Meeting
It will be held on Thursday 19th November - 8:30pm - St Augustine's Hall (the clubhouse), Cadogan Terrace, Hackney
Attached is the notice and agenda of AGM in PDF format, if anyone cannot access this type of document please let me know and I will make arrangements to get you a Word version, or hard copy. Alternatively click the following links to read the documents online instead: Notice and Agenda for 2015 and Minutes from the 2014 meeting
Please take time to read the notice, there is an opportunity to submit motions, ask questions and also nominate most improved athletes (see last Thursday's newsletter). Prior to the meeting a pack of documents will be circulated including Financial Accounts, Director's Reports and Minutes from last year's meeting. This will be available for you to download and print as required. As with last year, we will only be providing printouts of documents for those who request them - they will not be made available on the night to avoid paper wastage.
The latest date for receipt of motions for the AGM is 12th November 2015 - see details in the notice
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
Men's Director of Road and Cross Country, on behalf of the Board of Directors, VPH & TH AC.
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Get news, updates and race results on the club noticeboard - handicap results are here: tinyurl.com/HandicapResults