Oh. My. Goodness. What a busy month November is lining up to be. This newsletter alone will be a test of your stamina, so there's a gold star and a chance to win a ride on a miniature horse for anyone who makes it to the end. See me for details of how to claim your prize, but first....
This Thursday 29th October - Club Monthly 2.9 mile Handicap - arrive 7pm, starts 7:15pm
The first handicap of the season went well. All the results are on the noticeboard. October is no different, last Thursday of the month - what a great reason to get out on a mild Autumn night.
Saturday 31st October - Club 3.5 mile championships 10:30am start
Race 2 in the club championships winter series. Run on a nice flat course in the park and like all club races, it won't cost you a penny. All the details are on the noticeboard. (Club members may bring a guest to run as well). I still need 1-2 more helpers with timekeeping. In keeping with tradition, there's refreshments in the bar afterwards, cake contributions for that also welcome!
Tuesday 3rd November - Chingford League Race #3 - Hog Hill Cycle circuit - Women 7:30pm, Men 8pm
Back to the usual Tuesday spot for the second fixture at the Redbridge Cycle circuit. Our women are doing particularly well already this season. Note that at the cycle circuit fixtures men and women race separately due to volumes of participants. All details are on the noticeboard. Welcome on board Joyce as well.
Saturday 7th November - Metropolitan League Race #2 - Stevenage - 1:55pm / 2:30pm
There was a strong turn out and a good set of results in race 1, with both our Women's and Men's A teams coming 6th in division 1 (ahead of local rivals Barnet). Our women's vets came 4th in their division 1 (behind Barnet) and our vet men came top of league 2. Lots of work to do to maintain and improve upon this great start so PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND. The race is in Stevenage, a short train ride from Kings Cross or Finsbury Park. There's also a minibus from the clubhouse for those who like to travel in packs - see details on Facebook or get in touch. I look forward to seeing an overwhelming number of runners. PLEASE BRING YOUR NUMBERS WITH YOU.
Further details on the Met League website. Our excellent junior squad will be there too, please make every effort to get there early and cheer them on from around 1:15pm.
Saturday 14th November - London XC Champs - Parliament Hill 1:15pm/2pm
Club entries for this race will close very shortly after this email but there is still time to register if you are quick. Details on the noticeboard. Even if you don't plan to run come along and enjoy an afternoon on the Heath (and maybe a beer afterwards), over 40 club members have signed up to run.
Thursday 19th November – Club Annual General Meeting – Club headquarters - 8:30PM
Members will receive a separate notice later in the week for the club's AGM. Details will also appear on the actual paper noticeboards at the clubhouse and at Mile End stadium. Please read it carefully. Those wishing to put forward motions for consideration need to do so by 12th November.
Most Improved Athlete Awards 2015 (Road and Cross Country)
This award is given at the AGM - please see details on the noticeboard about nominating your club mates for this coveted trophy.
Saturday 21st November - North London XC Champs - Hackney Marshes 2pm/3pm
Another individual race, not part of any league or championship. This year hosted by local friends Eton Manor AC held on a similar course to the Chingford League as used in recent years. If you would like to run, then pre-registration is required. However I've made it easy for you - just complete this simple form: tinyurl.com/NLXC2015. If you've already registered to run the London XC Champs on Parliament Hill no need to enter the same details - just sign up in a few clicks.
Thursday 26th November - Monthly Handicap (2.9 mile) - Well Street Common - From 7pm
As above, the monthly handicap will take place as usual, with the added excitement of the marathon ballot afterwards.
Thursday 26th November - Club Marathon Ballot - Club bar, 9pm
The club has been awarded three guaranteed places in the 2016 Virgin London Marathon. All the details on qualifying and registering for the ballot are (you guessed it!) on the noticeboard....
Saturday 28th November - QUESTION?
Shall we have the club cross-country race on this date? We've a pretty full calendar already but this might be the only date to hold the race. I would value your thoughts.
The Register
Congratulations to club member Annie Brown who was married to her partner Guillaume on Saturday at Hackney Town Hall. Proper East End. We wish you every happiness in your future together and hope to see you back at the club soon ;-)
Annual Subscriptions
Don't forget - the membership year start on 1st November. If you pay monthly there's no action required, but if you pay annually then please see this post from all-round membership good-guy, Neil Cook.
Yours in anticipation of the most improved athlete award,
Men's Road & XC Captain
Find out what your clubmates are up to on the Club Facebook page
Get the latest news and updates, follow @VPHTHAC on Twitter
Get news, updates and race results on the club noticeboard - handicap results are here: tinyurl.com/HandicapResults