As the sands of August leak through our hands like a damp sandcastle on a wet bank holiday weekend beach, one's thoughts turn to Autumn and the bounty of races and events it has to offer. Starting with....
This Thursday 27th August - Club Monthly 5 mile Handicap - arrive 7pm, starts 7:15pm
The final handicap of the summer season will take place this Thursday. All details are on the noticeboard.
Thursday 3rd September - Assembly League Race #6 - Beckenham - 7:30pm
The final race of the season in Beckenham. This is always a great finale on a measured three mile course, with the chance to enjoy a beer afterwards. Keep an eye on the noticeboard and the Assembly League Facebook page for more details of the fixture and location if you've not been before.
Thursday 10th September - Club Championships Race #1 - The Flowers Mile - Register by 7pm, race at 7:15pm
Pleased to announce we have now set a date for this iconic and historic club race, where club track, road and junior athletes can all compete together. All the details are on the noticeboard. Previous results can be found at It is not an open race but paid-up members may invite a guest to run as well (although guests cannot take prizes). We will need plenty of volunteers to help with the event, especially time keeping and results recording - PLEASE GET IN TOUCH.
Wednesday 30th September - Marathon Workshop with Mara Yamauchi - Southwark Council Office - 6:30pm
I've been sent details about a workshop with this talented former professional British distance athlete. More details and tickets at
Sunday 4th October - Middlesex Championships 10km Race - Victoria Park - 10:30am start
Many more details on the club noticeboard and the Middlesex AA website.
Tuesday 6th October - Chingford League Race #1 - Hog Hill Cycle circuit
The local league kicks off with two fixtures at Redbridge cycle circuit. More details to follow nearer the time.
Saturday 10th October - Metropolitan League Race #1 - Claybury Woods - 2:30pm
The Metropolitan Cross-Country League kicks off once again. The fixtures have been finalised and as usual all of the details are available on the Met League website. This is the best cross-country league in London and both our men's and women's team compete in its top tier. It will be our primary focus for cross country this season and members are asked to prioritise these fixtures.
Cross Country Captains needed
Given the number and range of cross country races that the club competes in over the Winter it's time to spread the load and share the effort a little. We're looking for some cross-country captains for specific leagues, to take a more active role in promoting the races, encouraging members to attend and supporting before/after/during the races as well. It's something that many other clubs do and we believe it's the sort of thing that an ambitious and capable club like VPH & TH should be doing as well. As mentioned above, our primary focus for XC is the Metropolitan league this year, however, we realise that may not suit all club members. We have been part of the other leagues and races for many years as well. So, what we seek is one or two 'league captains' for both the Metropolitan league and also the Chingford league for this coming season. Please get in touch with Women's Director Laura Morgan or me to discuss further. It would be great to see some other members stepping up to get involved.
Active members Joe Feltham and Gemma Dunlop kindled their friendship here at our very club a few years ago. They were wed at a ceremony in Berkshire on July 25th. Congratulations Joe and Gemma, we you both many happy miles in your future together (pic below). Congratulations also go to club member Anna Tibelius who gave birth to baby Jack at the end of July. We wish her and occasional runner David (Dad) all the very best.
That's it for now
Men's Road & XC Captain
Find out what your clubmates are up to on the Club Facebook page
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Get news, updates and race results on the club noticeboard - handicap results are here: