The last newsletter of the year, but plenty to share with you this month.
Sat 8th December 10:30 start - Club 5 Mile XC – Woodford Golf Course.
A final reminder about this Saturday's event at Woodford. Weather is looking good, some volunteers have stepped forward to help out, now all we need is runners. If you've not run any cross country before, this is an ideal opportunity for you to try it out in this pretty setting, running against your fellow club members.
All the details can be found on the club noticeboard - just click here
Sat 15th December - Metropolitan XC League Race #3 - Alexandra Palace
For those who were there at 'Super Saturday' race #2 at Stevenage a few weeks back I suspect you'll be telling your grandchildren about that one. Well, let's try and keep the dream alive (along with our hopes for promotion of the men's team).
It's a pretty easy venue to get to, by car, bike or public transport. Full event details can be found on the rather good website. Click here for the link.
Sat 15th December - Club Christmas Party – 7:30pm until late
As if the two events above weren't exciting enough, the Christmas party to end them all is upon us once again. Tickets on sale, available on Tuesday and Thursday night from Rob P or Malachy. These are always a lot of fun and a great for new club members to come and see what we like to do when we're not training or competing.
Thu 20th December -Christmas Handicap - from 7pm
A repeat of last year's successful event, please put the last handicap of the year in your diary and dig out your best Christmas fancy dress. I'll be offering a prize or two to those most in the spirit of the season on the night. I was amazed by the creativity (and courage) of some of the club members at last year's event and truly hope to see the same again this year. Usual handicap arrangements apply, get to the club house by 7pm to register, and we'll set off around 7:15.
Sat 29th December - Chingford League Race #4 - 2:30PM - At Chingford
We are doing really well this season. After 3 races the Mens A, Mens B, Womens & Womens Vets teams are all TOP of the league. Just the Mens Vets team needed for a clean sweep! Tom Heslop is also second overall in the individual standings. So, if you are around after Christmas, please make every effort to get to Chingford for this race, held in the beautiful Epping Forest. More details will be on the noticeboard nearer the time; full results can be found here .
Tuesday 8th January - New Year Mob match – 7:45pm Start - NEW VENUE!
To celebrate local friends and rivals, Eton Manor's centenary year it will be hosted at a new venue and will be a 5km event, held at Marsh Lane E10. Additional changing facilities will be available in the new pavilion at the Seymour Road entrance to the park. Presentations and buffet afterwards in the Hare and Hounds. More details will be on the noticeboard nearer the time.
Time to register for the Middlesex champs, Southerns and National XC
A call for entries for the Middlesex County Championships (Jan 5th), South of England XC Championships (26th Jan), National XC (23rd Feb).
Please click this link to complete the simple form.
Annual General Meeting
Minutes from this are now available on the club website: Please click here for full details. Many thanks to member Joe Feltham who maintains the site and keeps it up to date.
Subscriptions: a polite reminder
A reminder that November is the start of the subscription year for those members who pay annually. Please note that subscriptions have changed, all the fee details are now on the website - please click here. If you pay by standing order, please update your payments.
Lastly, from our friends at Eton Manor - Quiz night, Saturday February 2nd.
We are arranging a Quiz night as part of our centenary celebrations next year and would be delighted if our close friends (and rivals!) would like to join in the celebrations by each sending a team (max. 8) along to the evening. Please contact me if you'd like to go along and I'll put you in touch with Steve Adams at Eton Manor.
Do not worry if you cannot make up a full team, we can put people together to make up teams. If you haven't been to the O's supporters club, it is a very nice venue, winner of CAMRA social club of the year, they are arranging for some local real ale to be available specifically for our evening.
Saturday 2nd February 2013
7pm for a 7.30pm start.
£10 per person
Leyton Orient Supporters Club
West Stand,
Oliver Road,
Do not worry if you cannot make up a full team, we can put people together to make up teams. If you haven't been to the O's supporters club, it is a very nice venue, winner of CAMRA social club of the year, they are arranging for some local real ale to be available specifically for our evening.
Saturday 2nd February 2013
7pm for a 7.30pm start.
£10 per person
Leyton Orient Supporters Club
West Stand,
Oliver Road,
Men's Road and XC captain