If it's not too late, a happy new Olympic year to members past and present,
New club representative for Women's Athletics
Welcome to the board Emily Mosedale who will look after the role of Women's Track & Field. We welcome Emily on board and I hope you will give her your support. Please see her post on the noticeboard and get in touch with her at emosedale78 AT hotmail.com. We'd like to say thank you to Nana Qawson who is stepping down from her role but will continue to stay involved with activities and events down at Mile End.
Right, there are plenty of new fixtures, including road & XC and athletics fixtures for the year on the website, please check the fixtures page of the club website for details.
Saturday 4th February 2012 - Club Championships 10 mile race - 10am Start
Back after a year's absence, the 10 mile race is back on the calendar, a nice respite from XC running for those of you who need a break. 10 miles of fast flat traffic-free running against your fellow club members. Please get to the club house by 9:30 as we will depart the club house at 9:50 for the start at 10. Please note the Zumba class will be using the hall between 10-11 whilst the race is on. There are cups for the winners and I will try and arrange some post run tea and cake for afters (how's that for an incentive?).
Thursday 9th February 9:30-3:30 - London Mini Marathon Trials
The folks at Tower Hamlets Sports Development will be running Virgin London Marathon Mini Marathon trials at the club house on the above date. If you have some time to spare and can help out or for more info, please get in touch with Shen Brereton: shenneth.brereton@towerhamlets.gov.uk .
Sunday 25th March - 12 & 6 stage Road Relays - Milton Keynes
We are entering team once again for this exciting and unusual event. For more details, visit the rather good website and then get in touch with Women's Team manager: Holly Gilbert (hollyjangilbert AT gmail.com) or Men's team manager for this event - Tom Heslop (tom.heslop AT hotmail.co.uk) - Holly and Tom have risen to the challenge of taking this on, the momentum is building so please do get in touch with them or me if you're interested.. As usual, the club will pay for entry and arrange for transport to this event.
Easter Saturday 7th April - 2012 Open 5 mile Race
The Open 5 date has been announced. The biggest road running race that the club hosts each year, this year will be the 47th time we have run this event. This year, as every year, we want as many members as possible involved either competing or helping out. All the entry details are on the club website . If you don't plan to enter, your help beforehand will be appreciated. Specifically, we are looking for:
- Baggage - lead + helpers
- Course marshalls and chief marshall
- Refreshments team
- Chips/Numbers/Entries-on-the-
day team - Lead Cyclist
- End funnel marshalls
- Water team
Please get in touch with me (write2sim AT yahoo.com) , Major Carr (major_carr AT yahoo.co.uk) or Pats Carden (patcardenn66 AT gmail.com) to volunteer.
Monday evenings, 7pm - Hill Training - Foot of Spring Hill, near the Boat Club
For those who are not satisfied with the vast number of sessions available at the club, a few of us are doing a hill training session on a Monday evening. Come along to work some different muscles, develop your core strength and raise your pain threshold. We start at 7, the session lasts around 40-45 mins.
Saturday 28th April (PM) - Mike Penman Memorial 10k Mob-match - Victoria Park
A date has been found for the annual mob match. For those new to the club it is run each year in memory of a former club member whose life was cut short by an accident and organised by friends and family along with the club. It is a mob match against a number of local clubs - there is always a good atmosphere at this free 10k (not many of those these days) in Mike's memory. Keep the date in your diary - more details to follow.
VPH & TH AC Club Website - What do you think?
The club is looking to significantly improve the website and would like to understand the views of its members. Please take 5 minutes to share your opinion at: http://www.vphthac.org.uk/survey.html . The survey will be open to responses until midnight on 5th February 2012.
Is the bar closing?
Finally, those of you who have been enjoying the great atmosphere in the bar on a Thursday night will know what a good place it is. What you may not know is the work put in by a small team of volunteers who keep it running. Rob, who manages the bar, is always on the look out for fresh hands to help out as he can't do it all alone. Either to help out with preparing food, opening up or serving during the evening. Without these folks there is no bar, so please contact him and get involved: robpitkethly AT yahoo.co.uk
Wishing you a happy and healthy start to the year. I hope you will achieve your goals this year and that we'll see as many of you as possible taking part and getting involved with our great club.
Men's Road & XC Captain