Hello all,
It's going to be a busy few weeks with plenty of races and other things going on, so read on very carefully....
Thursday 17th August 7:15pm - Assembly League Race #5 ~3.5 miles - Victoria Park
The fifth race of the series, and our second home race so a good turn out is expected. We have made up some ground in the assembly league this season - please continue to support by getting there in good time to collect a number and warm up to run, the race should start around 7:15.
Women's Middle Distance (800, 1500m, 3000m) - Competition (Saturday 20th August) Coaching (every Saturday)
There is a Women's Track & Field Match on Saturday August 20th 2011 in Eton, and we are looking for senior women to run the middle distances: 800; 1500; 3000. Transport will be provided. Contact Robb Birchley robert_birchley@hotmail.com
Robb is also leading some Middle Distance training sessions whichwill normally be at Mile End Stadium at 11am on Saturdays, however, for the next three weeks (whilst the track is being relaid) they will be held at the old cinder track in Vitoria Park (at the same time). These sessions will be good for distance runners of any discipline/distance though the focus will be specifically on improving at these specifics distances for competition.
Saturday 20th August - Day time
The Pride London 10k will take place in the Park starting at 11am. We usually help out with this race also so if you are at a loose end and fancy getting invovled please see the notice on the noticeboard:
Saturday 20th August - Evening - Club barbecue and Chunder Mile
The club summer barbecue will take place from 6:30pm - see the club website site for more details: www.vphthac.org.uk
As part of the barbecue fun is also theVPH&TH Chunder Mile. Now in it's third year, the will be taking place alongside the Club Barbie. Venue will be the old cinder track in Victoria Park; start time 7pm.
For those that are unaware, the Chunder Mile involves running a mile and drinking four pints (four half-pints for women) with a high probability of chunder! You start the race with the consumption of a pint (or half pint) of lager - minimum 4% alcohol - (which will be provided) and proceed to run a lap of the track (400 metres) plus 9 metres. You then stop and consume another pint (or half pint) and then run another lap of the track. You are now half way. Two more drinks; two more laps, and you are finished (in more than one sense). One may chunder at one's own discretion.
Cost is £5 (to cover the cost of the beer). Interested parties please email Robb onrobert_birchley@ hotmail.com
Thursday 25th August 7:15pm - London Business Houses 5M Race Victoria Park
Once a year, in place of the 5 mile handicap we run the event as a straight race with old friends the London Business Houses so expect a slightly larger number of runners than usual. Usual start time and, of course, the bar will be open afterwards to refresh those aching limbs.
Thursday 1st September 7:15pm - Assembly League Race #6 ~3.5 miles - Beckenham
The last race of the season at Beckenham. We will rely on as many members making an effort to get to this race to complete - every place a VPH&TH runner takes in front of a runner from another club means potentially more points and a better standing in the results. It's really not as far away as you might think. More details will be given nearer the time via email and on the club noticeboard. Remember the club and bar will be closed on Assembly League nights.
Sunday 4th September - 10:30am - Victoria Park - Middlesex 10k
A fast, high quality county-level 10k race, facilitated by the club on behalf of Middlesex AC. More details on the Middlesex AA website at http://middlesexaa.org.uk. As usual there is a chance for members to enter or to take part by assisting on the day. Please contact me or Major Carr if you can get invovled. Closing date for entries is 27th August or when entry limits have been reached.
Thursday September 22nd - Shortly after 7pm
The annual Club Championships series kicks off with the 1 Mile race in Victoria Park , also known as the Flowers Mile after a former club member. Run around the classic one mile course adjacent to the clubhouse in Victoria Park. This fast race is over in a flash but great fun. Due to low light levels at this time of the year get to the club well before 7pm changed and ready to run as the race will start soon after. You will also need to register and collect a number to assist with timekeeping.
Sat/Sun 24th/25th September-6 Stage Road Relays - Aldershot
The club is looking to put together teams to participate in this event. The Women's event (senior and veterans) is on Saturday and the men's the next day. Robb Birchley is putting together the women's team, but we are looking forsomeone to lead the men's team. Those who have taken part in the 12 stage will know how much fun it can be - expect similar at the 6 stage only with less hanging around.
Saturday 15th October - All day - First Aid Course
There will be a first aid course held at the club on the above date and club members who are interested in attending should get in touch with me, Philippa or Mick Cairns. It is being run by Triathlon England so the focus will be from a Triathlon-persepctive but the offer in open to all club members. The club would cover the costs of this but in return participants would be expected to support club activities in the future.
Thursday 20th October 2011 - VPH & TH AC Club Annual General Meeting - 8:30pm
Advanced noticed for the club AGM which will take place in the Clubhouse (St Augustine's Hall, Cadogan Terrage, London E9). A detailed agenda will follow nearer the time. In the meanwhile please bear in mind there will be a number of board positions available due to current Directors stepping down including Women's Road & XC Captain and Chairperson. The meeting is your chance to hear more about what the club has been up to during the year and to review in more detail the finances of the club. The annual accounts should be available to view in the near future here: http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithoutPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1091712&SubsidiaryNumber=0 or email me for a copy.
Don't forget Autumn means Cross Country season begins too (and your shoes have only just dried out from last season). More details and dates to follow :-)
So, lots going on with your club - well you wouldn't want to be stuck indoors would you?
Men's Captain - Road & XC Running
p.s. TWITTER and BLOG: all this news and more is available at the VPH TH AC blog at:http://vphthac.blogspot.com/ and follow us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/vphthac. Thanks to Joe Feltham, Stanley Greenhalgh and others for setting up and managing these.